ReflectionBio – By Patients, For Patients ®
Introduction Company News Our Patient Founder
Rare Disease
Gene Therapy

Our Focus – Rare Disease
Reflection Biotechnologies (ReflectionBio®) focuses on rare, genetic diseases and other challenging diseases which currently have no or few treatment options available. Rare disease patients shoulder the inevitable odds of genetic mutations for mankind, but are often ignored by society and under-supported by public resources. At ReflectionBio®, we aim to develop life-changing, long-lasting and breakthrough gene therapies for patients suffering from these devastating diseases.
Our Technology – Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is one of the latest breakthroughs in biomedical technology. It aims to treat diseases at the root level. Gene therapy is a powerful technology platform for developing treatments for genetically-based diseases, including many rare diseases.
More on Gene Therapy and our R&D
Our Patient Origin and BY PATIENTS, FOR PATIENTS TM Approach
Our Patient Origin
ReflectionBio® is a unique, rare disease patient-driven biotechnology company. There are about 8,000 rare diseases, more than 90% of which do not have any approved treatment available. Among 200+ genes whose mutations can cause blindness, only one gene therapy has been developed and approved by the FDA.
As patients suffering from devastating rare diseases, we cannot wait. ReflectionBio® was founded and is driven by a rare disease patient in the process of going blind.
At ReflectionBio®, we, the patients, put our eyes and lives in our own hands by proactively driving rare disease research and orphan drug development.
By Patients, For Patients TM
– With faith, relentless efforts and the right partners, We, the PATIENTS, can make a difference in driving R&D to help ourselves and others.
ReflectionBio – By Patients, For Patients ®
More on By Patients, For Patients TM