Reflection Biotechnologies (ReflectionBio®) is a unique, patient-driven gene therapy company.
We focus on rare diseases and other challenging diseases, especially ocular diseases. Founded by a rare disease patient and family, we created and apply the BY PATIENTS, FOR PATIENTS TM approach for patients to play a proactive role in driving research and development to help ourselves and others.
Going After The Genetic Causes Of Blindness.
Our initial focus has been on helping patients and families affected by Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy (BCD), a blinding disease which currently has no approved treatment available.
BCD is also known as Bietti’s Crystalline Retinopathy, Bietti Crystalline Corneoretinal Dystrophy, or Bietti’s Retinal Dystrophy.
BCD is a retinal degenerative disease caused by mutations in the CYP4V2 gene.
ReflectionBio® is developing our proprietary gene therapy candidate, RBIO-101, for treating BCD.

A recent study estimates that BCD affects about 67,000 patients globally.
On average, 3 people become blind due to BCD every day.
BCD gene therapy R&D brings hope to patients.