Compassion for Patients
Passion for Science
One out of every 10 people lives with at least one of more than 7,000 rare diseases. Rare disease patients shoulder the inevitable odds of genetic mutations for mankind. Sadly, not only rare diseases are grossly under-supported by public research and funding resources, rare disease patients and families are often socially disadvantaged due to disabilities and/or the need to provide long-term care to their loved ones.
Reflection Biotechnologies (ReflectionBio®) is a biotech company founded and driven by rare disease patient and family.
ReflectionBio® focuses on developing breakthrough treatments for rare diseases. As a patient-driven company, we understand the hardship faced by rare disease patients and families and appreciate their resilience and courage in fighting rare diseases and their faith in life.
It is ReflectionBio’s corporate policy to give priority consideration to qualified job candidates who are rare disease patients, family members or persons with disabilities. It is also our policy that rare disease patients, family members and persons with disabilities shall count for more than 10% of our employees. This corporate policy is not only to fulfil our social responsibility, but also is an integral part of our BY PATIENTS, FOR PATIENTS TM approach in driving scientific and medical research and development.
At ReflectionBio®, we welcome qualified candidates who share our core values in rare disease research:
– Compassion for Patients, and
– Passion for Science
The following job openings are available at ReflectionBio® in 6 months:
- Director, Retinal Gene Therapy Preclinical Research
- Director, Gene Therapy CMC
- Director, Regulatory Affairs
- Lead, Gene Therapy Clinical Trial
- VP, Intellectual Property
- Controller
Interested? Please send your CV to info@reflectionbio.com